Rui Wang- 王锐
Hi there! I am currently a PhD candidate at Department of Computer Science, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) in Beijing, China, where I am advised by Prof. Mengshi Qi. Before that, I received my M.S. degree in Electronic Engineering from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) in 2023.
My research interests are centered around the intersection of computer vision and physics. I am particularly interested in developing algorithms that enable agents to perceive and understand the physical world around them. I am also interested in the application of these algorithms to real-world problems, such as health-related areas and robotic manipulation.
- [2024/12] Our paper “VIoTGPT” was accepted by AAAI 2025!
Research Highlight
- VIoTGPT: Learning to Schedule Vision Tools towards Intelligent Video Internet of Things
- Unsupervised heart abnormality detection based on phonocardiogram analysis with beta variational auto-encoders
- Shengchen Li, Ke Tian, Rui Wang
ICASSP 2021 [paper]
- Shengchen Li, Ke Tian, Rui Wang
- Adversarial Contrastive Learning Based Physics-Informed Temporal Networks for Cuffless Blood Pressure Estimation
Professional Services
- Conference Reviewer:
ACM MM, ECCV, ICME - Journal Reviewer: